Essential Oil Q & A




What are Essential Oils?

Essential Oils are the pure essence of the plants from which they are derived, for the most part through the process of steam distillatiobn.  Unlike mineral oils, which simply sit on top of the skin's surface, essential oils are made up of very small molecules.  These molecules are oil soluble and many of the chemical constituents of these molecules are able to enter through the skin's surface to the muscle tissue providing opportunity for antiviral, antibiotic, antispasmodic, analgesic, and other therapeutic and pain relieving benefits.


How are Essential Oils used?


Essential oils may be applied topically, on the skin in a carrier lotion or oil (by massage, rubbing a small amount onto an area that hurts or needs attention in some way, or as a warm compress).  A few essential oils may be applied to the skin without dilution, or "neat".  Neat applications must be used with caution and knowledge, as essential oils are very complex and concentrated, and not all oils are appropriate or safe to use in this manner. 


Some essential oils and synergy blends may also be used by adding 6 to 10 drops to a warm bath, or by mixing a few drops with an all-vegetable loion or "carrier" oil such as Olive or Sweet Almond oil (6 to 10 drops of essential oil or synergh per 1 ounce of carrier oil or lotion). 


I am so sensitive to smells -- will Essential Oil fragrances trigger allergic symptoms?


Some people are hesitant to use products with any fragrance because they have environmental allergies, or they have had bad reactions of various kinds to scented products.  Most cosmetics contain fragrance oils that are manufactured in a lab, or use synthetic fixatives or extenders to enhance the product and add to the shelf life.  An allergy to these types of scents is nearly always due to those synthetic additives.  Most people will not have this problem with essential oils, as essential oils are natural to the body chemistry.


How should I choose which products to use?


As you read through the list of essential oils and their properties, you will see that many overlap in their abilities to help us toward wellness.  We're all different.  What may provide amazing results for one person, may not work in quite the same way for another.  You will have to do some experimenting.


How should I apply the essential oils?


Essential oils must be diluted before application to the skin.  Mixed with carrier oils and other substances such as salt and sugar, you can create bath oils, bath salts, massage oil blends, body spashes and spritzers.


What is therapeutic blending?


Therapeutic blending focuses on creating a blend that will aid with a particular physical or emotional condition.  Therapeutic blending concentrates more on the therapeutic result than on the aroma of the blend.


It is very important to select oils not only for the therapeutic actions they deliver.  It's also important to make sure that none of the oils used have any contraindications or safety issues than can affect other aspects of your health.